1-0. The General Theory of Morality (2024, e-book)


This book, based on his own research into the fates of more than 315 celebrities of different magnitudes of all times:
1. Has no small claim to a substantial extension of existing knowledge of the
laws of nature.
2. Presents a competing model for the construction of the universe, including
the history of its development before the Big Bang.
3. Provides a vector for rethinking the nature of lambda in cosmology.
4. Explains in an innovative way, for example, the observer effect in quantum
mechanics and the phenomenon of wave-particle duality.
5–18. Claims rights to the following evidence and discoveries:
– The universe actually consists of not one, physical environment, but two;
and in this respect there are absolutely clear and distinct boundaries of
classical scientific knowledge, localized by the physical environment.
– Six basic properties of the new environment have been established.
– Set out “The Three Trivialities of Physics” and 18 Laws of Genesis.
– It is proven that there is an absolutely real gigantic object in the universe
called Global Morality, and the key specific principles of its operation are
– Five unknowns common to all humanity, which have subordinated the
well-being of each person, as well as two Basic Rules of Morality, its six
Laws (plus: The seventh is purely for the economic, and the eighth is the
supreme), and other behavioral requirements have been clarified. As well
as: (a–b) The results of man’s activity in the moral field, which can be described by seven physical-mathematical formulas and a single – universal,
reference – method of evaluation. (c) The concept of “morality” has been
transferred from a philosophical (or even speculative) category to an exact
one: It has been proved that the ratio of “good” to “evil” in mankind
[and therefore – in the “averaged” man] is at most 1:6.
19–… Other fundamental findings are drawn; two disciplines are established.


The main scientific disciplines affected are: Astronomy (cosmology,
astrophysics), physics (theoretical physics, quantum mechanics, radio
physics), mathematics, economics, statistics, history, historiography,
anthropology, medicine (neurophysiology, preventive healthcare), philosophy,
sociology, psychology, pedagogy, zoology, biology, methodology of science.