Based on the research I have done, we have every reason to assume/confirm/know (please select the appropriate one for each point below at your discretion) that:


Before the Big Bang, the eternal and infinite universe was an extremely complexly structured dark matter – 100% communication environment (note, the base figure [NASA, public domain] is from Wikipedia about the Big Bang) [see next point, II].

Figure 1 – Evolution Number One: The Universe Before and After the Big Bang


The image base is from

The research collected evidence that in fact today the universe consists not of one, material, environment (as is commonly believed), but of two – physical and so-called “communication”.

The process of nucleation of the physical environment from the communicative environment began at the moment of the Big Bang (see point I).

In addition, as can be seen from the figure above, the theory of the general organisation of the universe (or TGOU) takes as a basis that the role of the communication environment is now played by the known dark matter and dark energy.


The image from Efbrazil - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

It is also established that there are very real limits to classical scientific cognition [its principle is schematically depicted in the figure above] as the only method of determining truth so far. And these limits, as it turns out, are localised within the limits of the physical environment (see point II and the first paragraph of the XXth point), which occupies only 1/20th of the total volume of the universe.


And if we take the assumption of point II and the motivation of point III as a basis, it is safe to say that the communication environment currently has at least six underlying, fundamental properties:

Firstly, it participates either in gravitational interaction [as dark matter] or in accumulation of prime causes for gravitational repulsion [as dark energy, due to which this medium is rapidly expanding and its share in the universe is constantly growing].

Second, it is a “corpuscular”-wave environment.

Third, its “life” proceeds according to the principles of long-range-acting (Kuznetsov 1958) in the following interpretation: with infinite speed, without loss, over any distance.

Fourth, this environment is invisible.

Fifth, the connections in it are causal but, sixth, nonlinear (which makes it impossible to carry out any classical experiments in such an environment [point III]).

(Thereby, by the way, not only the “atypical” for baryonic matter in principle characteristics of dark matter and dark energy [the first of which is addressed below], but also their dominant volumes in the universe are hereby explained).


“The Three Trivialities of Physics” are formulated.

1) Thought is indeed material. (However, attention, it is material not as an element of the physical medium, but as [whenever] an absolutely definite sum of a definite kind of particles, or constructs, or quanta, of the medium of communication [point II]).

2) A quantum of consciousness is a quantum of dark matter.

3) The quantum of each of the inner manifestations [capable of such] of living beings (for example, a human being: his thought, feeling, emotion, moral reaction) is a quantum of dark energy.


And if to assume and to accept that the sizes of quanta of dark matter and dark energy are of the order of 10-35 m, it will allow to reveal the secret of seeing not only the corpuscular-wave dualism, but also the observer effect in quantum mechanics.

The image from + artificial intelligence


Relying on the foundation of analysing the fates of more than 315 celebrities of different eras and countries (plus tacitly – on his own hard experience),

The image from Bradley Cooper/The Associated Press

he above was possible only due to the fact that the following has been convincingly proved in the course of the research.

Firstly, each person during his life, in addition to the risk of sudden death, with varying probability is periodically subjected to the overriding influence of the following five universal phenomena and their corresponding terms. In general moral theory these terms have not unreasonably been attached to certain famous names, being called Planck’s Paradox, Rutherford’s Force Majeure, Fabergé’s Collapse, Rockefeller’s Luck, and Fellini’s Fortune. Three of them – in the picture below they are shown in blue – in themselves, regardless of the quality of our behaviour, inexorably lead us to various kinds of pitfalls, and two, as we can easily guess from their names, allow us to avoid such pitfalls. However, in the rarest, literally isolated cases (marked in red [and Fellini’s photo was chosen as a paired one for a reason]):

Проснувшись однажды утром после беспокойного сна, Грегор Замза обнаружил, что он у себя в постели превратился в страшное насекомое.

And secondly, that there is a certain “moralising service” in the universe. In both author’s doctrines – the theory of the general organisation of the universe and the general theory of morality – it is called Global Morality.

As a result of the activity of this “service” any violation of each of the clear ethical requirements (in the GTM such requirements, or, according to Kant, the [categorical] imperatives suggested by Table 1 of the Third Appendix) entails different but natural consequences for the violator.

*(It is assumed that Global Morality is a component of dark matter. And that is why Global Morality is everywhere, practically everywhere, having the absolute ability to judge our behaviour wherever anyone is).


The activity (plus the consequences of such activity) of people in a moral medium has perhaps for the first time been described by seven phisical-mathematical formulas. For example, here is how one of them looks like – the equation of depression:


It has been stated that the consequences of immoral behaviour for a person cannot be predicted in advance (see the sixth property in the fourth paragraph). However, one should be sure for sure (exact figures about percentages – in point XIII) that such bitter consequences will certainly occur. This is how they, such consequences, came out, let us take, for the same misdemeanours in different people:

ONE-TYPE: for example, independently of each other – in the actress Simone Signoret and the opera diva Maria Callas; in the related pairs G. J. Caesar – M. J. Brutus, Mary Stuart – Elizabeth I, M. S. Gorbachev – B. N. Yeltsin, S. Jobs – J. Sculley.

DIAMETRALLY Opposite: independently of each other – R. Lende vs J.-B. Carrier, M. Planck vs С. Chanel, T. Jefferson vs Aristotle, M. Zedong vs N. Machiavelli, English King Charles II vs M. Tsvetaeva, Louis XVI vs F. Chopin.

MIRRORS – Peter the Great, S. Jobs, J. F. Kennedy, A. Pinochet, A. Hitler, Napoleon I, Cleopatra, etc….


This study has produced a scientific warning to man about his moral responsibility for his actions. Thus, among other things, it is stated, for example, that for ordinary people, the chance that, after violating virtuous imperatives, they will always manage to get away with it and that their fate will eventually be shaped by the patronising laws of Fellini’s Fortune is 1:2,794,201, or one in [almost] three million. (In this way, it was finally possible to move the concept of “morality” from a philosophical, if not speculative, category to an exact one.)


In the ethical sphere of our life, two Basic Rules of Morality are defined2]:

Rule One: “Payback is inevitable.”

Rule Two: “Recognizing a mistake increases guilt.”


In addition, six [immutable] Laws of Morality are discovered along the way, which are as follows.

No. 1: “Of the two people interacting, the more virtuous person has a strategic priority and synergistic advantage over the morally dubious one (and thus gains a not immediately discernible but extremely valuable advantage in the long-term fruits of that interaction).”

No. 2: “The more misfortune a person desires or actually inflicts on others,

the more problems and troubles he acquires, either personally, or for his present cause, or for the posthumous offspring of that cause.”

No. 3: “It is really extremely difficult to be highly moral. But [with very few exceptions, as the
the results of this research show], it is even more difficult to live immorally.”   

The image from

No. 4: “The stronger the moral foundation of the decision-maker, the more adequate it will be in everyday collisions, and the less bitter ‘surprises’ will befall them.”3]    

No. 5: “The final outcome of any decision, whether economic or non-economic,
depends directly on the moral preferences of the person making the decision.”    

No. 6: “Moral behavior today predetermines the choices we can make tomorrow.”

In addition, the following are formulated:

  • Separate and exclusive the Moral Law in Economics (within the framework of the Conclusion IX-IV): “The long-term, not always immediately recognisable quality of a person’s financial intentions – in addition to the interdependencies already known to science – is equally conditioned by the accumulated ‘capital’ and its ethical side [in line with Table 1] – already as an economic figure.”
The image from
  • Morality, as the Supreme Law, is addressed to man by the universe, so that man does not eventually evolve into a beast.**

**(Because in the actions of Homo sapiens as a species, the balance between right and wrong, ethical and unethical, or, summarily, “good” and “evil” is by far not the justifiably expected 1:1, but, based on the Conclusion of Book II-V, [at most] only 1:6.)


The statistical data extracted from the results of the study give strong grounds to say that unethical behaviour is indeed extremely disadvantageous for a person. As it leads him to a definite encounter with problems of different degrees – from bad fame to death (as a result of murder or suicide) or is passed “by inheritance” to the nearest relative [with a probability of 0.1] – in 99.999,964,211,6% of cases, and to losses – in 99.999,812,110,89% of [financially related] caseloads.

     Besides, in the same section [of the statistical conclusions of the book] it is also calculated, for example, that the estimated number of all people NM from the general population N, ever at all (and at least once in their life – noticeably [i.e., it is suggested to consider, above two points for “approach” according to the first table in the third Appendix]), having allowed slackness, having trampled on the virtuous side of being, is:

NM = N x p = 117,000,000,000 х 0.852,941,117,647 = 99,794,110,765 people.

     Whereas among the 7 billion 870 million people inhabiting the planet in the days of the book’s publication (May 2022) – such 6,712,646,596 people [7,870,000,000 ×
× 0.852,941,117,647 = 6,712,646,595.88].  

Consequently, one has no right – and it is costly to oneself – to be unfriendly to any other human being.


In essence, the above information is an academic transformation and reduction of all available assessments and perceptions of the abstract, speculative and therefore doubtful “substance” under the generalised name “God” (and for any denomination) into, rather, the biggest of all ever existed reasons for the internal and external acceptance by every sane person of the contents called Global Morality, confirmed by examples, calculations and other valid arguments [and therefore – substantive, and therefore – scientific].


As it is already known from the above, elementary particles of the communication medium are called constructs [hypothesis 2-1]. And there are all grounds to assume that there are hundreds of thousands, if not millions of kinds and types of such constructs in Nature (especially many of their varieties are supposed to be of dark matter) with the calculated number of dark energy only (i.e. without taking into account the number of dark matter constructs) ≈ 39.43 × 10114.


Established, systematised and regulated the nature of all sorts of our failures – life Lessons.


Gathering, migratory and probably other fauna species and, in addition, flora species endowed with the gift of certain specific “planning” use the communication medium in coordinating certain collective actions [hypothesis 7].


A bit of populism. Since the calculated rate of expansion of the universe is ≈ 70 km/s per megaparsec [or ≈ 3. 3 million light years], then if to accept, as if the mankind has no brothers on reason in the universe, and also for a moment deliberately not to take into account the gigantic scale of work done in this direction by the “Center” of the universe and black holes, then each of nowadays living, rounding off, seven billion earthlings – by functioning of their communicative skills – every second “personally” expands the universe on 0.1 mm s-1 megaparsec-1.



(Then, continuing the conclusion of paragraph III [because of its extreme importance], there follows a conclusion which requires of every perceiver a rare capacity for maximum breadth of thought. Because in the discussed field of science and life, the Newtonian principles of scientific cognition, so dear to the heart of any scientist, categorically do not work: that is where the territory delineated by the laws of the great Briton, as well as by quantum mechanics, ends).

Thus, it is stated – and please take this conclusion, as well as the figurative, metaphorical visualisation below this paragraph, extremely seriously – that the present research has obtained the necessary and sufficient evidence that the universe today is a specific living, metabolically peculiar composite astrophysical object (in fact, possessing “Space [Control] Center” [and therefore its own Brain] plus the brainchild of such “Space [Control] Center” – Global Morality).


* Please do not take the title of this page as a display of idle talk and/or, certainly, boasting. Since this title, certainly including the level of, let’s say, not a few hypotheses (only for the impossibility of research in some cases temporarily, but often allowing indirect factual or forthcoming technical verification of most of the statements), nevertheless – at least in the main features – fundamentally corresponds to reality.

Based on the author’s book with the full title “The General Theory of Morality as a Particular Case of the Theory of the General Organisation of the Universe”, Jurmala, printed edition 2022, but the main source is the electronic, updated version 2024 in English.

 1 Expanding on what was said in point XV, it is assumed that there are types of constructs, probably numbering in the millions. Of which there are many of their varieties, forming only the Brain of the universe, its Consciousness and Global Morality [in sum and constitute dark matter]; as well as mental, emotional-sensual, moral constructs, pushing all reasonable and “unreasonable” to their Calling/destination, directly feeding the Brain of the universe and those energy quanta created by communicative activity of living beings [in sum and constitute dark energy].

2 The numerical reasoning for the first of the definitions is here; the clearest [extant] evidence for the correctness of the second is, for example, in the endings of the lives of William the Conqueror (No. 15) and V. S. Vysotsky (p. 378 of the e-book).

3 Given the likelihood of a human encounter with Planck’s Paradox, Rutherford’s Force Majeure, Fabergé’s Collapse, and adjusted for Rockefeller’s Luck and Fellini’s Fortune.