Greetings, my – no pretence – friend!
You, as well as every person (and I was not an exception here either), have probably thought many times about the reason why once there were (and then rooted in our lexicon with good reason) such proverbs: “Don’t dig a hole for someone else – you will fall into it yourself”, “What you sow – you will reap”, “What goes around – comes around” (but, strangely enough, “Sometimes it is allowed to steal even wagons – and nothing will happen to you, but you can only steal a bicycle – and go to jail”). There is no doubt that the main emphasis in these statements is not on the results of people’s physical mistakes, but on the idea of earthly retribution for, as it appears, EVERYTHING we do morally.
At a certain point in my life – late autumn 2014 – the above topic interested me not at the level of everyday and quickly disappearing curiosity (as it happens to everyone), but, one could say, seriously and for a long time, capturing me completely. Because one day I clearly realised that what I had in front of me was actually a logical field not clear to modern science, where everything was laid out for such sayings to flourish. That virtue is not a territory of immutable and immutable laws clear to everyone. And that it is a space, to which science even of the XXI century for some reason treats, to put it mildly, with distrust. And this historical distrust (or maybe – just powerlessness?…) in no small measure for this reason long ago and gave at the mercy of various kinds of interested people the opportunity to exploit the sphere of morality for their own purposes. (The fact of which, by the way, allows all of us [by nature self-indulgent, but extremely picky about outsiders] to this day to interpret what is happening in this delicate area, both in our personal destiny and in the destinies of others, in our own, and – therefore biased, way. Ask, why biased? Because it is not “standardised”. It is not brought to a single, scientific – universal for all denominator. And for this reason, everyone has his own denominator: very free, full of distortions, abuses, and other results of subjectivism with the “saving” for our psyche and self-esteem task of self-protection. No matter what we have done. Unfortunately, this statement is extremely harmful to the bleak “palace of the earthly world”, which we individually and collectively build every second. Looking at it afterwards, as if in a mirror, in the disappointing news. (Am I saying something wrong? Go to the Internet or turn on the TV.)
And then, having abandoned the real estate business plus overcoming many years of worldly obstacles associated with this ascetic and turning point in my destiny, I fully plunged into a comprehensive study of the above problem.
The unexpected and, I must say, far-reaching academic conclusions I came to were the impetus for the formulation of both the General Theory of Morality, or “GTM” for short, and the equally recent Theory of the General Organisation of the Universe, or “TGOU”, which includes this doctrine. Which together gave the name to my book with the full title “The General Theory of Morality as a Particular Case of the Theory of the General Organisation of the Universe”.
In the mentioned work a lot of interconnected reasons are given to consider many of the discovered TGOU and GTM as not only, without exaggeration, the most serious scientific discoveries1]. But also, in addition to this, – the heart of largely turning point components for the beginning of a truly successful life literally every person (and, what is important, in any area of activity). With, as it should be, given evidence, as well as useful and, believe me, extremely far-sighted [which today, you’d agree, is almost exotic], emphasised, scientific recommendations. Which are supported by the most interesting statistical calculations, my own (though not published) bitter experience, and even physical-mathematical formulas.
Arthuras Pushkorius [Artūras Puškorius]
62 years old, higher education, natural scientist; author of the above two doctrines, as well as of the last, main doctrine [TGOU], e.g. the “Three Trivialities in Physics” plus, in addition, if anyone is interested, about 1000 aphorisms, some of which are posted here.
10 May 2022.
1 By the way – a small digression – today (and not in, say, 100 years: when many of my discoveries – I believe – will be in the blood even of schoolchildren) can, alas, only rare professionals. With knowledge and outlook sufficient for an objective and comprehensive assessment of what is announced here. Since, due to the controversial fashion of the past decades for extremely narrow specialisation of scientists, such an approach is an impossible task a priori for others who do not possess the above-mentioned qualities. At best, it causes only their irritation and unity – a sure sign of brotherhood with the latter – instead of the natural professional delight from acquaintance with a long missing link in the general panorama of our knowledge of the world around us.