Life itself and the thorny epic of mankind’s evolution, as well as, for example, social institutions that have been created over millennia, make us learn, in the name of our own good, to draw global and far-reaching conclusions even in those cases when there is no strict laboratory evidence for any given phenomenon that obviously affects our daily life. Anyone who henceforth does not wish to regularly miscalculate own hopes and to desperately regret the missed opportunities, is outright obliged at least sometimes to rely on proven arguments, so far only clearly visible and logically crystallized from the surrounding realities. For us, people, there is simply no other, more constructive way out [while the evidence was being prepared].
The following scrupulous observations have greatly contributed as precursors of what is going to be perhaps sensationally summarized at the end of this article.
Very few people will be shocked to discover that such fundamental details of the portrayal of current everyday life, such as, in particular, the issue of promptness of the vertical power structure or fairness of financial relations, the unchallengeable authority of Сhurches, or the time-tormented health care system, the problems of worldwide migration and international terrorism, mechanisms of geopolitical decision-making and it looks like immortal virus of war cannot but lead to the only understanding: the realization that a lot of things in this world function, to put it mildly, somehow “awry”.
None of thinking people – for the sake of future generations (may the reader forgive me the grand style) – have anymore the right to turn a blind eye to the fact that even the contemporaries of the XXI century who are fully wrapped in comfort and own all kinds of technical progress products, still have a deep inner dissatisfaction in their souls; that now as for centuries ago, the human being is generally quite unhappy; that people, while literally shouting to the others about their despondency (and therefore subconsciously seeking to merge with the dispersed crowd), ride daily a permissiveness steamroller over ethics and morality; that they are fraught with unjustified fears, pretensions and superstitions, which brings us one message. Homo sapiens is grosso modo dissatisfied with anything but pleasures allotted to him by his fate – be it tensions around himself, or the current state of affairs on a larger scale.
On the one hand, the established shoddy state of confidence of a standard personality makes it easy pickings for businessmen of all tiers – a broad spectrum of gifted subjects who in their own way understand the rules of the game named “Battle for existence” which has been organized on the planet. These fighters – for, amongst other things, driving out competitors from their niche – are straightforwardly relying on their mercantile intuition, gaining considerable dividends from its berries (which is seemingly by far not so bad for their and their subordinates’ survival). But the given sharks of deals and transactions provocatively exclaim “Hallelujah!” and “Money does not stink!” to the golden calf which has been sainted as deity, ever so often subtly trampling on moral basics. A typal person, when listening to tempting revelations of the lucky, having forgotten about the sacred and imitating those more dexterous, blindly rushes into the embrace of vicious profits and kitsch consumption.
Everything seems to be great. Everything is smooth sailing. Born of a woman, they devotedly procreate children, as they are supposed to, put their head under the guillotine of credits, believe until the very end in predictability of the unpredictable football, sipping beer, releasing a tear and beating a drum. In the sandpit of life, they are surrounded by ultramodern gadgets and, with their eyes fixed only on them, every now and then they idyllically dream of unrealizable things:

However, on the other coast, in the current ordeal one cannot ignore the reverse plane of the medal that has been emerging for almost an eternity. An individuality that is incapable of independent thinking, to begin with the ethical one, is clamped in the framework of instructions and norms dictated to it by the establishment. It perplexedly rushes between the desired and the vital issues. It convulsively seeks salvation, but nowhere does it find it.
And when a person does not have a solid foothold, he naturally feels lost. And when, on top of all, he also is deprived of rosy prospects (as he entirely depends on the vagaries of conjuncture), he will inevitably become embittered, since he gets eroded by the rust of anxiety about own futurity, which is not a jot in his power.
But in such sad conditions – not always clearly seizing own embitteredness – the average person acquires all sorts of complexes: from inferiority to megalomania, from indecisiveness to heroism. Meanwhile, the latter do comprise distorted, all too often extremely dangerous for the community views of all potential infractors of its calm of tomorrow.
As a result, many internally miserable figurants of mundanity are methodically growing hot-headed, secretive and, if need be, aggressive. And the joyless features of their private character, as a result, push the unfortunate ones both to mass acts of disobedience, to suicides, and to resonant crimes. The personality that is seemingly unsatisfied by itself and by the framing of the world order, indiscriminately and maliciously searches around itself for those who allegedly prevent it from reaching the desired.
The views of the wounded and morally fluctuating individuals tend to see an unfriendly civilisation all around. Under the assumptions of the discriminated, the state is at any instant ready for cruel punitive measures against them. Therefore, when defending himself, the person is forced to split people into friends and enemies. He is inclined to perceive third parties through a subjective lens of sympathies and antipathies. He unequivocally divides his surrounding into “the good” and “the bad”. And he leads a feasible war for survival on all his fronts:

According to the known and nowadays regnant in people’s brains criteria, an analogous illustration of the givenness should not cause confusion to anyone, right? Such is the practice. It can’t be helped… We are so different!
…But does the situation outlined on the front pages have a moment of correction (in the sense of how to make everyone far happier)? Is it probable that a person becomes predestined to be a moral outsider to his dying day, drowning in own lies? And where is that light at the end of the tunnel that will lead us to the unexplored yet literate horizons of understanding of being (and therefore – to the true, ethically calibrated, elated tonalities of both satisfaction and self-realization)? The light that will aggravate hearing, when even conscience will gently whisper?
A priori it cannot happen that the “unmerciful” nature might conceive an unceasing suffering for an adequate individual – its very culminating creature. So that the latter throughout his individual fate, in despair and hopelessness trying to find the door to the sun, just ineffectually knocks his head against the cock-ups of his yawns and dazzlements. So that he until his dying day does not understand what is the meaning of his life.
A human being is simply obliged to be happy! Everyone is talented enough to merit rapture!! And the pronounced is not just flimflam, nor demagogy, but it’s an axiom (otherwise all that is happening around would by definition be total absurdity). But the question is how to grasp the essence of the multiplicate relationships that exist in everything, what wise ways to use to come to a symphony with yourself and the environment – that is where the one-million-dollar question is hidden.

Delightfully and surprisingly enough, the universal remedy for the above-mentioned problems that have so filigreedly and thoroughly struck the minds of people, has finally been found. It nests in a natural and at the same time revolutionary for everyone understanding of the below designated. The world that we seem to know like the back of our hand, in which we are in a constant whirl for many tough years, is actually… absolutely and radically different! It is more difuse! It is decidedly deep! And, what simplifies (but at the same time, also somewhat aggravates, though) the task of comprehending it, everyone has already made up his or her “iron” opinion about it.
Therefore, while trying to understand again this cosmic silence, striving to delve into what explained in a book “General Theory of Morality (GTM)” (in Russian, with automatic translation) and on this site (while melting the metal of lamentable convictions that impede the progress), it is important not to hurry. Not to name the declared as storytelling and delusion. Not to shoot from the hip. As the perspective of the sublunary realm that will arise before you, dear reader, has been fostered not from some mystical fantasies or groundless conjectures of the author of these lines, sprinkled with his thirst for glory. It has grown up from thoughtful and carping observations of the destinies of different people. It is based uniquely on a sound and meticulously tested core of already existing theories and concepts in this field. On the considerable, topical school of your humble servant. As well as on a sober, all-encompassing assessment of historical events and key circumstances that “for some reason” systematically accompany the former. The presented findings will authentically tell, in a compressed way and with a 100% guarantee, about what only the lazy would not mistakenly philosophize in their own way.
The discoveries that will be discussed, bring the transparency and clarity to all aspects of everyday life, which have been aspired for ages. Furthermore, alongside this, they are a revolutionary by their effectiveness psychological remedy against uncertainty, both for the young and the old. Since they represent a set of specific and, if you look closely, categorically confirmed by the experience of every reasoning Earth inhabitant knowledge, which has been lightmindedly, in serried ranks ignored, as if at a command.
And for a cursory examination of the potential of GTM, as an aperitif, here is one of its “pills” against human confusion, serving the intention of restoring the long-expected order in perceiving the seemingly unpredictable life, which is enclosed in the shell of the following uncompromising affirmation. “The final results of any – economic or non-economic – decisions are directly dependant on the moral preconditions of the person who takes those decisions” (А. Pushkorius, General Theory of Morality. Jurmala, 2022-2023*, p. 438 (423*)).
Moreover, anyone may come to such a bold reasoning. First of all, the one who shoulders the responsibility to multilaterally and critically analyze not only, for instance, the stylistics of the activities of no matter what human institutions, and slices and dices the goals and the ethical measure of their influence on the minds of people. But also the one who sees a conspiratorial alliance, for example, of the fine moral line of their initiatives, with ongoing (and far-reaching) consequences for the society involved in the sphere of influence of such initiatives.
By the way, those who would bother to put under the objective microscope of “GTM-impartiality” the private-ownership fate of someone from the crowd (but optimally that of themselves, to begin with), have the capability to get to a similar conclusion.

And then even under the most skeptical eyes of the perceiver, the fascinating (and suspiciously resembling to the truth) genuine panorama of reality will implicably appear as a moving shadow…